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Definitions of ‘pomp’ pomp (noun) Synonyms: pageantry, parade, pageant

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 noun, pageant, pageantry, parade

Definitions of ‘pompous’ pompous (adjective) stately, imposing, august, pretentious, grandiose See bombastic

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 adjective, august, grandiose See bombastic, imposing, pretentious, stately

Definitions of ‘ponder’ ponder (verb) Synonyms: meditate, reflect, ruminate, think, muse

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 meditate, muse, reflect, ruminate, think, verb

Definitions of ‘ponderous’ ponderous (adjective) Synonyms: massive, heavy, cumbersome, dull, spiritless momentous, important

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 adjective, cumbersome, dull, heavy, important, massive, spiritless momentous

Definitions of ‘poor’ poor (adjective) Synonyms: indigent, impecunious, needy, poverty-stricken, straitened, necessitous, penniless, eleemosynary, emaciated, skinny, lean, spare, meager, bony, […]

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 abject, adjective, angular, barren, bony, contemptible, defective, despicable, effete infecund, eleemosynary, emaciated, exhausted, faulty, gaunt, haggard, impecunious, inarable, inauspicious, indigent, inferior, infertile, lean, meager, mean, miserable, necessitous, needy, peaked, penniless, pinched, poverty-stricken, rawboned, scrawny, seedy, shabby, skinny, sordid, sorry, spare, sterile, straitened, tacky, thin, unfavorable, unpropitious, worthless, wretched

Definitions of ‘poorhouse’ poorhouse (noun) Synonyms: almshouse, infirmary

Dictionary February 9, 2024 February 9, 2024 almshouse, infirmary, noun

Definitions of ‘pope’ pope (noun) Synonyms: bishop of Rome, pontiff, Pontifex Maximus Associated words: papal, papacy, paparchy, popish, see, popedom, […]

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 ablegate, bishop of Rome, legate, noun, nuncio, papacy, papal, paparchy, Pontifex Maximus, pontiff, pontifical, popedom, popery, popish, see, Vatican

Definitions of ‘poppinjay’ poppinjay (noun) Synonyms: dandy, coxcomb See fop

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 coxcomb, dandy, fop, noun

Definitions of ‘populace’ populace (noun) Synonyms: commonalty, proletariat, rabble

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 commonalty, noun, proletariat, rabble

Definitions of ‘popular’ popular (adjective) Synonyms: approved

Dictionary February 10, 2024 February 10, 2024 adjective, approved

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