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Definitions of ‘purificator’ purificator (noun) Synonyms: mundatory

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 mundatory, noun

Definitions of ‘purify’ purify (verb) Synonyms: [[cleanse]], [[refine]], expurgate, [[sublime]], clarify

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 clarify, cleanse, expurgate, refine, sublime, verb

Definitions of ‘purity’ purity (noun) Synonyms: [[chastity]] Antonyms: See [[impurity]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 chastity, noun

Definitions of ‘purport’ purport (noun) Synonyms: [[meaning]], [[signification]], import purport (verb) Synonyms: [[mean]], [[intend]], [[signify]], import

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 import, intend, mean, meaning, noun, signification, signify, verb

Definitions of ‘purpose’ purpose (noun) Synonyms: [[aim]], [[object]], [[design]], intent, [[goal]], [[view]], [[drift]] purpose (verb) Synonyms: [[intend]], [[design]], contemplate

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 aim, contemplate, design, drift, goal, intend, intent, noun, object, verb, view

Definitions of ‘purveyor’ purveyor (noun) Synonyms: [[caterer]], [[provider]], procurer, [[pimp]], bawd, [[pander]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 bawd, caterer, noun, pander, pimp, procurer, provider

Definitions of ‘pus’ pus (noun) Synonyms: [[matter]], purulence Associated words: purulent, [[maturate]], [[maturation]], suppurate, suppuration, indigested, [[fester]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 fester, indigested, matter, maturate, maturation, noun, purulence, purulent, suppurate, suppuration

Definitions of ‘push’ push (verb) Synonyms: shove, impel push (noun) Synonyms: shove

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 impel, noun, shove, verb

Definitions of ‘pushing’ pushing (adjective) Synonyms: [[enterprising]], [[energetic]], [[intrusive]], [[forward]], [[officious]], [[obtrusive]], aggressive

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, aggressive, energetic, enterprising, forward, intrusive, obtrusive, officious

Definitions of ‘pusillanimous’ pusillanimous (adjective) See [[cowardly]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, cowardly

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