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Ascolia (Ascol´ia), Bacchanalian feasts, from a Greek word meaning a leather bottle. The bottles were used in the games to […]

Mythology February 17, 2024 February 17, 2024 Ascolia, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘puncture’ puncture (verb) Synonyms: [[prick]], [[perforate]], [[pierce]]

Dictionary February 17, 2024 February 17, 2024 perforate, pierce, prick, verb

Definitions of ‘pungent’ pungent (adjective) Synonyms: [[pricking]], stinging, [[poignant]], [[sharp]], excruciating, [[severe]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, excruciating, poignant, pricking, severe, sharp, stinging

Definitions of ‘punish’ punish (verb) Synonyms: [[chastise]], [[castigate]], [[chasten]], [[discipline]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 castigate, chasten, chastise, discipline, verb

Asopus (Aso´pus). A son of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], who was killed by one of his father’s thunderbolts.

Mythology February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 Asopus, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘punishment’ punishment (noun) Synonyms: [[chastisement]], [[castigation]], scourging, [[discipline]], [[penalty]], visitation, [[retaliation]], [[retribution]], infliction Antonyms: immunity, impunity, [[acquittal]], exoneration […]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 castigation, chastisement, commutation, commute, connivance, discipline, infliction, Nemesis, noun, penal, penalty, penological, penologist, penology, punitive, reprieve, retaliation, retribution, scourging, visitation

Definitions of ‘punning’ punning (noun) Synonyms: paronomasia

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 noun, paronomasia

Definitions of ‘puny’ puny (adjective) Synonyms: [[undeveloped]], [[small]], undersized, diminutive, [[stunted]], atrophied, [[feeble]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, atrophied, diminutive, feeble, small, stunted, undersized, undeveloped

Assabinus (Assabi´nus), the Ethiopian name of [[Jupiter (mythology)]].

Mythology February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 Assabinus, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘pup’ pup (noun) Synonyms: [[puppy]], whelp

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 noun, puppy, whelp

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