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Definitions of ‘push’ push (verb) Synonyms: shove, impel push (noun) Synonyms: shove

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 impel, noun, shove, verb

Ate (A´te). The goddess of revenge, also called the goddess of discord and all evil. She was banished from heaven […]

Mythology February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 Ate, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘pushing’ pushing (adjective) Synonyms: [[enterprising]], [[energetic]], [[intrusive]], [[forward]], [[officious]], [[obtrusive]], aggressive

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, aggressive, energetic, enterprising, forward, intrusive, obtrusive, officious

Definitions of ‘pusillanimous’ pusillanimous (adjective) See [[cowardly]]

Dictionary February 18, 2024 February 18, 2024 adjective, cowardly
Put back

Definitions of ‘put back’ Synonyms: [[replace]], [[restore]], reinstate, [[retard]], [[impede]], [[delay]], [[hinder]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 delay, hinder, impede, reinstate, replace, restore, retard
Put between

Definitions of ‘put between’ Synonyms: interpose

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 interpose

Athena (Athe´na), a name obtained by [[Minerva (mythology)]] as the tutelary goddess of Athens.

Mythology February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 Athena, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology
Put down

Definitions of ‘put down’ Synonyms: [[deposit]], [[crush]], [[quell]], [[suppress]], [[repress]], vanquish overthrow, [[reduce]], [[lower]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 crush, deposit, lower, quell, reduce, repress, suppress, vanquish overthrow
Put in

Definitions of ‘put in’ Synonyms: [[insert]], inject, interpolate, interpose, thrust in, interject, interlard

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 inject, insert, interject, interlard, interpolate, interpose, thrust in

Atlas was King of Mauritania, now Morocco, in Africa. He was also a great astronomer. He is depicted with the […]

Mythology February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 atlas, Hyades, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Pleiades

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atlas, Hyades, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Pleiades
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