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Putting on

Definitions of ‘putting on’ Synonyms: investing, investiture, assumption, arrogation, instigation, [[incitement]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 arrogation, assumption, incitement, instigation, investing, investiture

Atys (A´tys), son of Croesus, was born dumb, but when in a fight he saw a soldier about to kill […]

Mythology February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 Atys, aurora, myth, mythological character, mythology
Putting out

Definitions of ‘putting out’ Synonyms: [[ejection]], eviction, [[dispossession]], [[expulsion]], [[ousting]], extinguishment, extinction, [[dislocation]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 dislocation, dispossession, ejection, eviction, expulsion, extinction, extinguishment, ousting
Put to flight

Definitions of ‘put to flight’ Synonyms: [[rout]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 rout

Definitions of ‘puzzle’ puzzle (verb) Synonyms: [[mystify]], pose, [[nonplus]], [[perplex]], [[bewilder]], [[confuse]] puzzle (noun) Synonyms: enigma, conundrum, [[intricacy]], [[maze]], [[crux]], […]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 bewilder, bewilderment, confuse, confusion, conundrum, crux, enigma, intricacy, maze, mystify, nonplus, noun, perplex, perplexity, pose, poser, quandary, rebus, riddle, verb

Definitions of ‘puzzling’ puzzling (adjective) Synonyms: enigmatical, [[perplexing]], inexplicable, [[inscrutable]], [[intricate]], [[bewildering]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 adjective, bewildering, enigmatical, inexplicable, inscrutable, intricate, perplexing

Augaeas (Aug´aeas), a king of Elis, the owner of the stable which [[Hercules (mythology)]] cleansed after three thousand oxen had […]

Mythology February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 Alpheus, Augaeas, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘pyx’ pyx (noun) Synonyms: ciborium, ostensorium, monstrance, binnacle

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 binnacle, ciborium, monstrance, noun, ostensorium

Definitions of ‘quack’ quack (noun) Synonyms: [[charlatan]], empiric, pretender, [[mountebank]] quack (adjective) Synonyms: empirical, [[charlatanic]], [[quackish]]

Dictionary February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 adjective, charlatan, charlatanic, empiric, empirical, mountebank, noun, pretender, quackish

Augury (Au´gury). This was a means adopted by the Romans of forming a judgment of futurity by the flight of […]

Mythology February 19, 2024 February 19, 2024 augury, myth, mythological character, mythology

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augury, myth, mythological character, mythology
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