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Definitions of ‘horrid’ horrid (adjective) Synonyms: offensive, detestable, horrible

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, detestable, horrible, offensive

Definitions of ‘horrible’ horrible (adjective) Synonyms: dreadful, terrible, hideous, shocking, grim, ghastly, atrocious, revolting, nefarious, appalling, heinous, dire, grewsome, execrable, […]

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, appalling, atrocious, awful, dire, dreadful, execrable, ghastly, grewsome, grim, heinous, hideous, nefarious, revolting, shocking, terrible

Definitions of ‘horny’ horny (adjective) Synonyms: ceratose, corneous, cornified, callous, hard

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, callous, ceratose, corneous, cornified, hard
Horns of a dilemma

Definitions of ‘horns of a dilemma’ Synonyms: alternatives

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 alternatives

Definitions of ‘hornless’ hornless (adjective) Synonyms: polled, mulley, mooley, dodded

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, dodded, mooley, mulley, polled

Definitions of ‘horn’ horn (noun) Synonyms: antler, epithema, antenna Associated words: cornification, cornute, dehorn, croche, gore, crocket

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 antenna, antler, cornification, cornute, croche, crocket, dehorn, epithema, gore, noun

Definitions of ‘hops’ hops (noun, plural) Associated words: lupulin, humulin, lupuline

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 humulin, lupulin, lupuline, noun, plural

Definitions of ‘hopeless’ hopeless (adjective) Synonyms: despairing, disconsolate, desperate, unpromising

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, despairing, desperate, disconsolate, unpromising

Definitions of ‘hopeful’ hopeful (adjective) Synonyms: expectant, optimistic, promising, sanguine

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 adjective, expectant, optimistic, promising, sanguine

Definitions of ‘hope’ hope (noun) Synonyms: optimism, anticipation Antonyms: despair, desperation, pessimism

Dictionary October 22, 2023 October 22, 2023 anticipation, noun, optimism

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anticipation, noun, optimism
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