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Definitions of ‘rebel’ rebel (noun) Synonyms: [[insurgent]], [[revolter]], turncoat rebel (verb) Synonyms: [[revolt]], [[mutiny]]

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 insurgent, mutiny, noun, revolt, revolter, turncoat, verb

Definitions of ‘rebellion’ rebellion (noun) Synonyms: insurrection, [[insurgency]], [[mutiny]], [[sedition]], [[revolt]], insubordination

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 insubordination, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, noun, revolt, sedition

Definitions of ‘rebellious’ rebellious (adjective) Synonyms: [[insurgent]], [[seditious]], [[mutinous]], insubordinate, [[refractory]] Antonyms: [[dutiful]], [[submissive]], [[docile]], [[compliant]], deferential, [[obedient]]

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 adjective, insubordinate, insurgent, mutinous, refractory, seditious

Definitions of ‘rebound’ rebound (verb) Synonyms: [[recoil]], ricochet, [[reverberate]], [[reëcho]] rebound (noun) Synonyms: rebounding, resilience, repercussion, [[recoil]], ricochet

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 noun, rebounding, recoil, reëcho, repercussion, resilience, reverberate, ricochet, verb

Definitions of ‘rebuff’ rebuff (noun) Synonyms: [[repulse]], [[resistance]], [[opposition]], [[repellence]], [[check]], setback rebuff (verb) Synonyms: [[repulse]], [[resist]], [[repel]], [[oppose]]

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 check, noun, oppose, opposition, repel, repellence, repulse, resist, resistance, setback, verb

Definitions of ‘rebuke’ rebuke (verb) Synonyms: [[reprove]], [[upbraid]], [[censure]], reprehend, [[chide]], admonish rebuke (noun) Synonyms: [[reproof]], [[censure]], [[chastisement]], [[punishment]]

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 admonish, censure, chastisement, chide, noun, punishment, reprehend, reproof, reprove, upbraid, verb

Definitions of ‘recall’ recall (verb) Synonyms: [[revoke]], [[annul]], [[retract]], [[recant]], rescind, [[repeal]], abjure, [[remember]], [[recollect]] recall (noun) Synonyms: [[revocation]], rescission, […]

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 abjure, annul, noun, recant, recantation, recollect, remember, repeal, rescind, rescission, retract, retraction, revocation, revoke, verb

Definitions of ‘recalling’ recalling (adjective) Synonyms: revocatory

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 adjective, revocatory

Definitions of ‘recant’ recant (verb) Synonyms: [[retract]], abjure

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 abjure, retract, verb

Definitions of ‘recantation’ recantation (noun) Synonyms: [[retraction]], abjuration, retractation

Dictionary February 28, 2024 February 28, 2024 abjuration, noun, retractation, retraction

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abjuration, noun, retractation, retraction
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