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Definitions of ‘rare’ rare (adjective) Synonyms: [[uncommon]], [[unusual]], [[strange]], infrequent, [[singular]], [[curious]], [[exquisite]], [[fine]], [[incomparable]], recherché, [[sparse]], dispersed, [[subtile]], [[fine]], […]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adjective, curious, dispersed, exquisite, fine, incomparable, infrequent, rarefied, recherché, singular, sparse, strange, subtile, tenuous, thin, uncommon, underdone, unusual
Rare bird

Definitions of ‘rare bird’ Synonyms: rara avis

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 rara avis

Calliope (Calli´ope). The Muse who presided over epic poetry and rhetoric. She is generally depicted using a stylus and wax […]

Mythology February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 Calliope, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘rarebit’ rarebit (noun) Synonyms: [[delicacy]], [[tidbit]], [[dainty]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 dainty, delicacy, noun, tidbit

Definitions of ‘rarely’ rarely (adverb) Synonyms: infrequently, [[seldom]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adverb, infrequently, seldom

Calpe (Cal´pe). One of the pillars of [[Hercules (mythology)]].

Mythology February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 Calpe, Hercules, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘rascal’ rascal (noun) Synonyms: [[rogue]], [[scoundrel]], caitiff, [[scamp]], [[knave]], [[villain]], miscreant, varlet, [[trickster]], [[renegade]], [[scapegrace]], rapscallion

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 caitiff, knave, miscreant, noun, rapscallion, renegade, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet, villain

Definitions of ‘rascality’ rascality (noun) Synonyms: [[chicanery]], improbity See [[badness]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 badness, chicanery, improbity, noun

Definitions of ‘rash’ rash (adjective) Synonyms: [[incautious]], precipitate, overhasty, [[indiscreet]], [[inconsiderate]], [[impulsive]], temerarious, [[madcap]], [[headlong]], [[foolhardy]], unwary, [[reckless]] rash (noun) […]

Dictionary February 26, 2024 February 26, 2024 adjective, efflorescence, eruption, exanthema, foolhardy, headlong, impulsive, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, madcap, noun, overhasty, precipitate, reckless, temerarious, unwary

Definitions of ‘rashness’ rashness (noun) Synonyms: [[temerity]], precipitancy, [[indiscretion]], incaution, recklessness

Dictionary February 26, 2024 February 26, 2024 incaution, indiscretion, noun, precipitancy, recklessness, temerity

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incaution, indiscretion, noun, precipitancy, recklessness, temerity
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