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Definitions of ‘glutton’ glutton (noun) Synonyms: gormandizer, belly-god, cormorant, gormand, wolverine

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 belly-god, cormorant, gormand, gormandizer, noun, wolverine

Definitions of ‘glut’ glut (verb) Synonyms: satiate, sate, cloy, surfeit, overfeed, overstock, oversupply glut (noun) Synonyms: superfluity, superabundance, overstock, excess

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 cloy, excess, noun, overfeed, overstock, oversupply, sate, satiate, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, verb

Definitions of ‘glum’ glum (adjective) Synonyms: moody, dumpish, sullen, sulky, morose, sour

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 adjective, dumpish, moody, morose, sour, sulky, sullen

Definitions of ‘glue’ glue (verb) Synonyms: cement, glutinate, agglutinate Antonyms: unglue, deglutinate

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 agglutinate, cement, glutinate, verb

Definitions of ‘glowing’ glowing (adjective) Synonyms: ardent, passionate, warm, flushed, luminous, incandescent

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 adjective, ardent, flushed, incandescent, luminous, passionate, warm

Definitions of ‘glove-maker’ glove-maker (noun) Synonyms: glover

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 glover, noun

Definitions of ‘glossy’ glossy (adjective) Synonyms: shining, sleek, sheeny, lustrous, polished, glazed, glacé, specious, plausible

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 adjective, glacé, glazed, lustrous, plausible, polished, sheeny, shining, sleek, specious

Definitions of ‘gloss’ gloss (noun) Synonyms: luster, polish, sheen, glaze, enamel, show, pretense, commentary, note, annotation, comment, postil gloss (verb) […]

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 annotate, annotation, comment, commentary, enamel, extenuate, glaze, gloss over, illustrate, luster, note, noun, palliate, polish, postil, pretense, sheen, show, verb
Glory be to the Father

Definitions of ‘Glory be to the Father’ Synonyms: Gloria Patri

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 Gloria Patri

Definitions of ‘glory’ glory (noun) Synonyms: fame, renown, honor, eminence, celebrity, pomp, magnificence, splendor, pride, exultation, arrogance, halo, nimbus, aureole […]

Dictionary October 2, 2023 October 2, 2023 arrogance, aureole, boast, celebrity, eminence, exult, exultation, fame, halo, honor, magnificence, nimbus, noun, pomp, pride, renown, splendor, vaunt, verb

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arrogance, aureole, boast, celebrity, eminence, exult, exultation, fame, halo, honor, magnificence, nimbus, noun, pomp, pride, renown, splendor, vaunt, verb
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