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Definitions of ‘restaurant’ restaurant (noun) Synonyms: café, [[eating-house]], chophouse, refectory, buffet

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 buffet, café, chophouse, eating-house, noun, refectory
Restaurant keeper

Definitions of ‘restaurant keeper’ Synonyms: restaurateur

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 restaurateur

Definitions of ‘resting’ resting (adjective) Synonyms: [[reclining]], [[lying]], [[incumbent]]

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 adjective, incumbent, lying, reclining
Resting on something else

Definitions of ‘resting on something else’ Synonyms: superincumbent resting on something else (noun) Synonyms: superincumbence

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 noun, superincumbence, superincumbent

Definitions of ‘restitution’ restitution (noun) Synonyms: [[repayment]], [[restoration]], [[return]], indemnification, [[reparation]], [[requital]], compensation

Dictionary March 10, 2024 March 10, 2024 compensation, indemnification, noun, reparation, repayment, requital, restoration, return

Definitions of ‘restive’ restive (adjective) Synonyms: [[restless]], [[impatient]], fidgety, intractable, [[uneasy]], [[fractious]], [[rebellious]]

Dictionary March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024 adjective, fidgety, fractious, impatient, intractable, rebellious, restless, uneasy

Definitions of ‘restless’ restless (adjective) Synonyms: [[restive]], fidgety, agitated, unquiet, [[uneasy]], kicksy-wicksy

Dictionary March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024 adjective, agitated, fidgety, kicksy-wicksy, restive, uneasy, unquiet

Definitions of ‘restlessness’ restlessness (noun) Synonyms: restiveness, the fidgets, [[uneasiness]], [[agitation]], turbulence, dysphoria

Dictionary March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024 agitation, dysphoria, noun, restiveness, the fidgets, turbulence, uneasiness

Definitions of ‘restoration’ restoration (noun) Synonyms: [[return]], [[restitution]], [[replacement]], reinstatement, [[reparation]], repatriation, [[renewal]], [[renovation]], redintegration, reconstruction, rehabilitation, instauration, recuperation, [[recovery]]

Dictionary March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024 instauration, noun, reconstruction, recovery, recuperation, redintegration, rehabilitation, reinstatement, renewal, renovation, reparation, repatriation, replacement, restitution, return

Definitions of ‘restore’ restore (verb) Synonyms: [[repair]], [[renew]], reconstruct, rehabilitate, redintegrate, remodel, [[replace]], [[refund]], [[return]], repatriate, resuscitate, reestablish, [[revive]]

Dictionary March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024 reconstruct, redintegrate, reestablish, refund, rehabilitate, remodel, renew, repair, repatriate, replace, resuscitate, return, revive, verb

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reconstruct, redintegrate, reestablish, refund, rehabilitate, remodel, renew, repair, repatriate, replace, resuscitate, return, revive, verb
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