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Pluvius (Plu´vius). A name of [[Jupiter (mythology)]], because he had the rain in his control.

Mythology July 2, 2024 July 2, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pluvius

Podalirius (Podalir´ius). A famous surgeon, a son of [[Aesculapius (mythology)]] and Epione. His skill in medicine made him very serviceable […]

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Aesculapius, myth, mythological character, mythology, Podalirius

Poet see [[Parnassus (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Parnassus, Poet

Poetry see [[Apollo (mythology)]], [[Calliope (mythology)]], The [[Muses (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Apollo, Calliope, Muses, myth, mythological character, mythology, poetry
Poisonous Herbs

Poisonous Herbs see [[Circe (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Circe, myth, mythological character, mythology, Poisonous Herbs
Poisonous Lake

Poisonous Lake see [[Avernus (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Avernus, myth, mythological character, mythology, Poisonous Lake

Pollear (Poll´ear). Son of [[Siva (mythology)]], the Hindoo god of wisdom.

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 myth, mythological character, mythology, Pollear, Siva

Pollux (Pol´lux). Twin brother of [[Castor (mythology)]]. Their father was [[Jupiter (mythology)]] and their mother [[Leda (mythology)]]. He and his […]

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Aedepol, Castor, Dioscuri, Jupiter, Leda, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pollux, Polydeuces

Polybotes (Polybo´tes). One of the giants who made war against [[Jupiter (mythology)]]. He was killed by [[Neptune (mythology)]].

Mythology July 3, 2024 July 3, 2024 Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology, Neptune, Polybotes

Polydectes (Polydec´tes) was turned into stone when [[Perseus (mythology)]] showed him [[Medusa (mythology)]]’s head. See [[Perseus (mythology)]].

Mythology July 4, 2024 July 4, 2024 Medusa, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Polydectes

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Medusa, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus, Polydectes
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