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Definitions of ‘frothy’ frothy (adjective) Synonyms: spumy, foamy, spumous, trivial, frivolous, unsubstantial

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 adjective, foamy, frivolous, spumous, spumy, trivial, unsubstantial

Definitions of ‘frothing’ frothing (noun) Synonyms: rant

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 noun, rant

Definitions of ‘froth’ froth (noun) Synonyms: spume, foam

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 foam, noun, spume

Definitions of ‘frosty’ frosty (adjective) Synonyms: cold, icy, uncordial, distant, aloof, unsociable, pruinose

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 adjective, aloof, cold, distant, icy, pruinose, uncordial, unsociable

Definitions of ‘frosting’ frosting (noun) Synonyms: icing

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 icing, noun

Definitions of ‘frost’ frost (noun) Synonyms: rime, hoarfrost, uncordiality, unsociability, reserve

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 hoarfrost, noun, reserve, rime, uncordiality, unsociability

Definitions of ‘front’ front (noun) Synonyms: facade, obverse, face, van, fore-rank, front rank front (adjective) Synonyms anterior, foremost

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 adjective, anterior, facade, face, fore-rank, foremost, front rank, noun, obverse, van
From head to foot

Definitions of ‘from head to foot’ Synonyms: throughout, completely, cap-a-pie

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 cap-a-pie, completely, throughout

Definitions of ‘frolicsome’ frolicsome (adjective) Synonyms: playful, prankish, sportive, frisky

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 adjective, frisky, playful, prankish, sportive

Definitions of ‘frolic’ frolic (noun) Synonyms: prank, lark, gambol, escapade, fun

Dictionary September 23, 2023 September 23, 2023 escapade, fun, gambol, lark, noun, prank

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escapade, fun, gambol, lark, noun, prank
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