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Definitions of ‘satisfy’ satisfy (verb) Synonyms: [[gratify]], [[content]], [[appease]], [[satiate]], suffice, indemnify, [[repay]]

Dictionary March 25, 2024 March 25, 2024 appease, content, gratify, indemnify, repay, satiate, suffice, verb

Definitions of ‘saucy’ saucy (adjective) Synonyms: [[impertinent]], [[insolent]], [[pert]], [[impudent]], malapert, [[flippant]]

Dictionary March 25, 2024 March 25, 2024 adjective, flippant, impertinent, impudent, insolent, malapert, pert

Definitions of ‘saunter’ saunter (verb) Synonyms: [[loiter]], [[linger]], straggle, [[lounge]], [[stroll]], [[delay]], dawdle, [[lag]]

Dictionary March 25, 2024 March 25, 2024 dawdle, delay, lag, linger, loiter, lounge, straggle, stroll, verb

Definitions of ‘savable’ savable (adjective) Synonyms: salvable

Dictionary March 25, 2024 March 25, 2024 adjective, salvable

Definitions of ‘savage’ savage (adjective) Synonyms: [[uncivilized]], [[barbarous]], [[ferocious]], [[ravenous]], [[fierce]], untamed, [[brutal]], fell, truculent, [[implacable]], [[atrocious]], [[ferocious]], [[inhuman]] savage […]

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 adjective, atrocious, barbarian, barbarous, brutal, cannibal, fell, ferocious, fierce, implacable, inhuman, noun, ravenous, truculent, uncivilized, untamed

Definitions of ‘savages’ savages (noun, plural) Associated words: agriology, agriologist

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 agriologist, agriology, noun, plural

Definitions of ‘save’ save (verb) Synonyms: [[rescue]], deliver, [[redeem]], [[preserve]], [[conserve]], [[keep]], [[reserve]], [[hoard]], garner, [[economize]], [[husband]], [[spare]], obviate, [[prevent]], […]

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 conserve, deliver, economize, except, excepting, forefend, garner, hoard, husband, keep, obviate, preposition, preserve, prevent, protect, redeem, rescue, reserve, reserving, shield, spare, verb

Definitions of ‘saving’ saving (adjective) Synonyms: preserving, redemptory, redeeming, preservative, conservative, [[frugal]], [[thrifty]], [[economical]], provident, [[sparing]], [[choice]], [[chary]] Antonyms: [[lavish]], […]

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 adjective, chary, choice, conservation, conservative, deliverance, economical, exception, frugal, hoard, noun, preservation, preservative, preserving, provident, redeeming, redemption, redemptory, rescue, reservation, reserve, salvage, salvation, sparing, thrifty, treasure

Definitions of ‘savingness’ savingness (noun) Synonyms: [[frugality]], parsimony, [[thrift]], providence, [[economy]], chariness Antonyms: [[extravagance]], prodigality, improvidence

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 chariness, economy, frugality, noun, parsimony, providence, thrift

Definitions of ‘savory’ savory (adjective) Synonyms: gustable, palatable, [[toothsome]], [[fragrant]] Antonyms: [[unsavory]], impalatable

Dictionary March 26, 2024 March 26, 2024 adjective, fragrant, gustable, palatable, toothsome

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adjective, fragrant, gustable, palatable, toothsome
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