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Definitions of ‘rapidly’ rapidly (adverb) Synonyms: swiftly, [[fast]], post haste

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adverb, fast, post-haste, swiftly

Definitions of ‘rapine’ rapine (noun) Synonyms: plundering, [[sack]], [[pillage]], spoliation, [[depredation]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 depredation, noun, pillage, plundering, sack, spoliation

Definitions of ‘rapt’ rapt (adjective) Synonyms: enraptured, fascinated, transported, [[spellbound]], absorbed, engrossed

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 absorbed, adjective, engrossed, enraptured, fascinated, spellbound, transported

Definitions of ‘rapture’ rapture (noun) Synonyms: ecstasy, transport, delight, [[bliss]], beatitude

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 beatitude, bliss, delight, ecstasy, noun, transport

Definitions of ‘rapturous’ rapturous (adjective) Synonyms: ecstatic, beatific, [[delightful]], [[ravishing]], transporting

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adjective, beatific, delightful, ecstatic, ravishing, transporting

Definitions of ‘rare’ rare (adjective) Synonyms: [[uncommon]], [[unusual]], [[strange]], infrequent, [[singular]], [[curious]], [[exquisite]], [[fine]], [[incomparable]], recherché, [[sparse]], dispersed, [[subtile]], [[fine]], […]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adjective, curious, dispersed, exquisite, fine, incomparable, infrequent, rarefied, recherché, singular, sparse, strange, subtile, tenuous, thin, uncommon, underdone, unusual
Rare bird

Definitions of ‘rare bird’ Synonyms: rara avis

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 rara avis

Definitions of ‘rarebit’ rarebit (noun) Synonyms: [[delicacy]], [[tidbit]], [[dainty]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 dainty, delicacy, noun, tidbit

Definitions of ‘rarely’ rarely (adverb) Synonyms: infrequently, [[seldom]]

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 adverb, infrequently, seldom

Definitions of ‘rascal’ rascal (noun) Synonyms: [[rogue]], [[scoundrel]], caitiff, [[scamp]], [[knave]], [[villain]], miscreant, varlet, [[trickster]], [[renegade]], [[scapegrace]], rapscallion

Dictionary February 25, 2024 February 25, 2024 caitiff, knave, miscreant, noun, rapscallion, renegade, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet, villain

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caitiff, knave, miscreant, noun, rapscallion, renegade, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, trickster, varlet, villain
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