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Definitions of ‘sensuality’ sensuality (noun) Synonyms: voluptuousness, carnality, sybaritism, wantonness, licentiousness, self-gratification

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 carnality, licentiousness, noun, self-gratification, sybaritism, voluptuousness, Wantonness

Definitions of ‘sensuous’ sensuous (adjective) Synonyms: [[sensual]] Antonyms: insensuous

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, sensual

Definitions of ‘sentence’ sentence (noun) Synonyms: [[opinion]], [[decision]], determination, [[judgment]], [[axiom]], [[maxim]], [[precept]], [[posy]], [[adage]], epigram, apothegm, [[saying]]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adage, apothegm, axiom, decision, determination, epigram, judgment, maxim, noun, opinion, posy, precept, saying

Definitions of ‘sententious’ sententious (adjective) Synonyms: terse, [[pithy]], laconic, epigrammatic

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, epigrammatic, laconic, pithy, terse

Definitions of ‘sentient’ sentient (adjective) Synonyms: [[sensitive]], perceptive, [[conscious]], [[susceptible]] Antonyms: insentient, insusceptible

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, conscious, perceptive, sensitive, susceptible

Definitions of ‘sentiment’ sentiment (noun) Synonyms: [[thought]], [[feeling]], [[judgment]], notion, [[opinion]], [[maxim]], [[saying]], toast, [[sensibility]], susceptibility

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 feeling, judgment, maxim, notion, noun, opinion, saying, sensibility, susceptibility, thought, toast

Definitions of ‘sentimental’ sentimental (adjective) Synonyms: [[romantic]], impressible, emotional, [[lackadaisical]] Antonyms: [[unsentimental]], [[matter-of-fact]], pragmatical

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, emotional, impressible, lackadaisical, romantic

Definitions of ‘sentinel’ sentinel (noun) Synonyms: [[guard]], sentry, [[watchman]], [[picket]], vidette, perdue Associated words: cordon

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 cordon, guard, noun, perdue, picket, sentry, vidette, watchman

Definitions of ‘separable’ separable (adjective) Synonyms: [[divisible]], detachable, severable, [[partible]] Antonyms: [[inseparable]]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, detachable, divisible, partible, severable

Definitions of ‘separate’ separate (verb) Synonyms: [[divide]], [[dissolve]], [[detach]], sunder, [[sever]], [[disconnect]], [[part]], disjoin, [[withdraw]], [[rend]], dissociate, [[disengage]], [[isolate]], disunite, […]

Dictionary April 5, 2024 April 5, 2024 adjective, apart, cleave, deglutinate, detach, detached, disconnect, disconnected, disengage, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoined, disperse, dissever, dissipate, dissociate, dissolve, distinct, disunite, disunited, divide, eliminate, insulate, isolate, isolated, part, rend, scatter, segregate, segregated, separated, sequester, sever, severed, sunder, verb, withdraw, withdrawn

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adjective, apart, cleave, deglutinate, detach, detached, disconnect, disconnected, disengage, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoined, disperse, dissever, dissipate, dissociate, dissolve, distinct, disunite, disunited, divide, eliminate, insulate, isolate, isolated, part, rend, scatter, segregate, segregated, separated, sequester, sever, severed, sunder, verb, withdraw, withdrawn
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