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Definitions of ‘bishop’ bishop (noun) Synonyms: diocesan, prelate, suffragan, coadjutor, metropolitan Associated words: episcopal, episcopacy, bishopdom, episcopicide, crosier, chimere, episcopate, […]

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 bishopdom, chimere, coadjutor, crosier, diocesan, episcopacy, episcopal, episcopate, episcopicide, gremial, metropolitan, noun, prelate, rochet, suffragan

Definitions of ‘bishopric’ bishopric (noun) Synonyms: diocese, see

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 diocese, noun, see

Definitions of ‘bit’ bit (noun) Synonyms: morsel, fragment, scrap, crumb, mite, ace, scintilla, particle, whit, iota, tittle, grain, atom, jot, […]

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 ace, atom, crumb, fragment, grain, iota, jot, mite, molecule, morsel, mote, noun, particle, scintilla, scrap, speck, tittle, whit
Bit by bit

Definitions of ‘bit by bit’ Synonyms: piecemeal

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 piecemeal

Definitions of ‘bitch’ bitch (noun) Synonyms: slut, whore

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 noun, slut, whore

Definitions of ‘bite’ bite (verb) Synonyms: champ, nibble, chew, sting, smart, tingle, take hold of, adhere, nip, blight, blast bite […]

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 adhere, blast, blight, champ, chew, mouthful, nibble, nip, noun, smart, sting, take hold of, tingle, verb, wheal

Definitions of ‘biting’ biting (adjective) Synonyms: stinging, sharp, cutting, sarcastic, caustic, scathing, bitter, satirical, pungent, piquant, nipping, blasting, erosive, corrosive, […]

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 acrid, adjective, bitter, blasting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, erosive, mordant, nipping, piquant, pungent, sarcastic, satirical, scathing, sharp, stinging

Definitions of ‘bitter’ bitter (adjective) Synonyms: acrid, acerb, poignant, intense, calamitous, distressing, virulent, acrimonious, implacable

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 acerb, acrid, acrimonious, adjective, calamitous, distressing, implacable, intense, poignant, virulent

Definitions of ‘bitterness’ bitterness (noun) Synonyms: acridity, acerbity, gall, wormwood, poignancy, intensity, severity, rancor, malice, malignity, implacableness

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 acerbity, acridity, gall, implacableness, intensity, malice, malignity, noun, poignancy, rancor, severity, wormwood

Definitions of ‘bizarre’ bizarre (adjective) Synonyms: fantastic, whimsical, grotesque

Dictionary May 18, 2023 May 18, 2023 adjective, fantastic, grotesque, whimsical

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adjective, fantastic, grotesque, whimsical
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