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Definitions of ‘skin-deep’ skin-deep (adjective) Synonyms: superficial

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 adjective, superficial

Definitions of ‘skinflint’ skinflint (noun) Synonyms: [[miser]], niggard, curmudgeon, [[scrimp]], [[screw]]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 curmudgeon, miser, niggard, noun, screw, scrimp

Definitions of ‘skinny’ skinny (adjective) Synonyms: emaciated, [[gaunt]], [[rawboned]], [[poor]]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 adjective, emaciated, gaunt, poor, rawboned

Definitions of ‘skip’ skip (verb) Synonyms: [[omit]], [[pass]], [[disregard]], [[caper]], [[gambol]], [[jump]], [[leap]], ricochet skip (noun) Synonyms: [[omission]], [[gambol]], [[caper]], […]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 caper, disregard, gambol, hop, jump, leap, noun, omission, omit, pass, ricochet, verb

Definitions of ‘skipper’ skipper (noun) Synonyms: sea-captain, cheese maggot

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 cheese maggot, noun, sea-captain
Skirt opening

Definitions of ‘skirt opening’ Synonyms: placket

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 placket

Definitions of ‘skit’ skit (noun) Synonyms: [[reflection]], [[jeer]], [[gibe]], [[satire]], [[squib]]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 gibe, jeer, noun, reflection, satire, squib

Definitions of ‘skittish’ skittish (adjective) Synonyms: timorous, shy, [[volatile]], [[restless]], [[wanton]]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 adjective, restless, shy, timorous, volatile, wanton

Definitions of ‘skulk’ skulk (verb) Synonyms: [[sneak]], slink, lurk

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 lurk, slink, sneak, verb

Definitions of ‘skull’ skull (noun) Synonyms: [[cranium]], death’s-head Associated words: cranial, acrania, acranial, craniology, [[phrenology]], trepan, trephine, fontanel, sphenoid, cephalism, […]

Dictionary April 18, 2024 April 18, 2024 acrania, acranial, cephalism, cranial, craniology, cranium, crossbones, death's-head, fontanel, frontal, noun, occiput, parietal, parietes, phrenology, sinciput, sphenoid, trepan, trephine

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acrania, acranial, cephalism, cranial, craniology, cranium, crossbones, death's-head, fontanel, frontal, noun, occiput, parietal, parietes, phrenology, sinciput, sphenoid, trepan, trephine
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