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Definitions of ‘excite’ excite (verb) Synonyms: stimulate, arouse, inflame, incite, provoke, perturb, agitate, disconcert, discompose, distract, unsettle

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 agitate, arouse, discompose, disconcert, distract, incite, inflame, perturb, provoke, stimulate, unsettle, verb

Definitions of ‘excitable’ excitable (adjective) Synonyms: susceptible, sensitive, emotional, impressible, mobile, irritable, choleric, passionate, irascible, fiery, waspish Antonyms: unexcitable, imperturbable, […]

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 adjective, choleric, emotional, fiery, impressible, irascible, irritable, mobile, passionate, sensitive, susceptible, waspish

Definitions of ‘exchange’ exchange (verb) Synonyms: trade, barter, traffic, commute, interchange, reciprocate, bandy, permute exchange (noun) Synonyms: traffic, trade, barter, […]

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 agiotage, bandy, barter, Bourse, commutation, commute, interchange, noun, permutation, permute, reciprocate, reciprocity, trade, traffic, verb

Definitions of ‘excessive’ excessive (adjective) Synonyms: superfluous, exuberant, superabundant, disproportionate, outrageous, unreasonable, exorbitant inordinate, extravagant, fabulous, immoderate, extreme

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 adjective, disproportionate, exorbitant inordinate, extravagant, extreme, exuberant, fabulous, immoderate, outrageous, superabundant, superfluous, unreasonable

Definitions of ‘excess’ excess (noun) Synonyms: superabundance, superfluity, redundancy, redundance, overplus, surplus, surplusage, residue, remainder exuberance, rampancy, overdoing, exorbitance, immoderation, […]

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 debauchery, dissoluteness, exorbitance, immoderation, intemperance, noun, overdoing, overplus, rampancy, redundance, redundancy, remainder exuberance, residue, superabundance, superfluity, surplus, surplusage

Definitions of ‘excellent’ excellent (adjective) Synonyms: estimable, meritorious, good, worthy, choice

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 adjective, choice, estimable, good, meritorious, worthy

Definitions of ‘excellence’ excellence (noun) Synonyms: preëminence, transcendence, superiority, eminence, integrity, probity, goodness, worth, merit, virtue

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 eminence, goodness, integrity, merit, noun, preëminence, probity, superiority, transcendence, virtue, worth

Definitions of ‘excel’ excel (verb) Synonyms: outrival, outstrip, surpass, eclipse, outdo, outvie, transcend, exceed

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 eclipse, exceed, outdo, outrival, outstrip, outvie, surpass, transcend, verb

Definitions of ‘exceeding’ exceeding (adjective) Synonyms: surpassing

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 adjective, surpassing

Definitions of ‘exceed’ exceed (verb) Synonyms: surpass, transcend, outvie, excel, outdo, preponderate, predominate

Dictionary August 24, 2023 August 24, 2023 excel, outdo, outvie, predominate, preponderate, surpass, transcend, verb

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excel, outdo, outvie, predominate, preponderate, surpass, transcend, verb
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