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Definitions of ‘slouchy’ slouchy (adjective) Synonyms: slouching, [[ungainly]], [[awkward]]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, awkward, slouching, ungainly

Dictynna (Dictyn´na), a Greek name of [[Diana (mythology)]] as a terrestrial goddess.

Mythology April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 Diana, Dictynna, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘slough’ slough (noun) Synonyms: [[quagmire]], [[bog]], [[morass]], swale, exuviae

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 bog, exuviæ, morass, noun, quagmire, swale

Definitions of ‘sloughing’ sloughing (noun) Synonyms: ecdysis, exuviation

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 ecdysis, exuviation, noun

Definitions of ‘slovenly’ slovenly (adjective) Synonyms: [[untidy]], [[disorderly]], [[frowzy]], [[careless]]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, careless, disorderly, frowzy, untidy

Dido (Di´do). A daughter of [[Belus (mythology)]], King of Tyre. It was this princess who bought a piece of land […]

Mythology April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 Aeneas, Belus, dido, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘slow’ slow (verb) Synonyms: [[slacken]], [[relax]], [[moderate]], [[delay]], [[retard]]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 delay, moderate, relax, retard, slacken, verb

Definitions of ‘sluggish’ sluggish (adjective) Synonyms: [[idle]], [[lazy]], [[slothful]], [[inactive]], [[slow]], inert

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, idle, inactive, inert, lazy, slothful, slow

Definitions of ‘slur’ slur (verb) Synonyms: [[soil]], sully, [[disparage]], traduce, asperse, [[blur]], mackle slur (noun) Synonyms: [[stain]], [[mark]], innuendo, [[reproach]], […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 asperse, blur, brand, disparage, innuendo, mackle, mark, noun, reproach, soil, stain, sully, traduce, verb
Dies Pater

Dies Pater (Di´es Pa´ter), or Father of the Day, a name of [[Jupiter (mythology)]].

Mythology April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 Dies Pater, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Dies Pater, Jupiter, myth, mythological character, mythology
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