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Definitions of ‘companion’ companion (noun) Synonyms: associate, comrade, intimate, consort, partner, fellow, mate, chum, compeer, confederate, accomplice, ally, colleague, crony, […]

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 accessory, accomplice, ally, associate, chum, colleague, compeer, comrade, concomitant, confederate, confrère, consort, crony, fellow, intimate, mate, noun, partner

Definitions of ‘compact’ compact (adjective) Synonyms: close, solid, dense, crowded, impenetrable, serried compact (noun) Synonyms: covenant, agreement, pact, treaty, contract

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, agreement, close, contract, covenant, crowded, dense, impenetrable, noun, pact, serried, solid, treaty

Definitions of ‘communism’ communism (noun) Synonyms: socialism, humanitarianism, Fourierism, Saint Simonianism, phalansterism

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 Fourierism, humanitarianism, noun, phalansterism, Saint Simonianism, socialism

Definitions of ‘communion’ communion (noun) Synonyms: participation, sharing, communication, association, fellowship communion (noun) Synonyms: eucharist, Lord’s Supper, sacrament, viaticum Associated […]

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 ante-communion, association, celebrant, chalice, ciborium, communicant, communication, concomitance, consistentes, consubstantiation, corporal, credence, dominicale, elements, eucharist, eucharistic, fellowship, host, impanation, intinction, Lord's Supper, monstrance, noun, ostension, ostensorium, participation, paten, post-communion, purificator, sacrament, sharing, sursum corda, transubstantiation, viaticum, volipresence, wafer

Definitions of ‘commotion’ commotion (noun) Synonyms: agitation, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, riot, perturbation, flurry, furore

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 agitation, disturbance, flurry, furore, noun, perturbation, riot, tumult, turmoil

Definitions of ‘commonplace’ commonplace (adjective) Synonyms: ordinary, banal, hackneyed, trite, platitudinous, prosaic commonplace (noun) Synonyms: platitude, banality

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, banal, banality, hackneyed, noun, ordinary, platitude, platitudinous, prosaic, trite
Common man

Definitions of ‘common man’ Synonyms: commoner, proletary, plebeian

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 commoner, plebeian, proletary

Definitions of ‘commonly’ commonly (adverb) Synonyms: ordinarily, generally, customarily

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adverb, customarily, generally, ordinarily

Definitions of ‘commonalty’ commonalty (noun) Synonyms: populace, proletariate, proletariat, varletry, bourgeoisie, ruck, rank and file, the common people

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 bourgeoisie, noun, populace, proletariat, proletariate, rank and file, ruck, the common people, varletry

Definitions of ‘common’ common (adjective) Synonyms: public, general, customary, usual, ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace, inconspicuous, average, mediocre, plebeian, proletarian

Dictionary June 23, 2023 June 23, 2023 adjective, average, commonplace, customary, general, inconspicuous, mediocre, ordinary, plebeian, proletarian, public, unexceptional, usual

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adjective, average, commonplace, customary, general, inconspicuous, mediocre, ordinary, plebeian, proletarian, public, unexceptional, usual
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