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Definitions of ‘showy’ showy (adjective) Synonyms: spectacular, pageant, [[ostentatious]], [[pompous]], garish, [[gaudy]], meretricious, [[gorgeous]], [[flashy]], bedizened, gay, [[conspicuous]], [[tinsel]] Antonyms: […]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 adjective, bedizened, conspicuous, flashy, garish, gaudy, gay, gorgeous, meretricious, ostentatious, pageant, pompous, spectacular, tinsel

Definitions of ‘shred’ shred (noun) Synonyms: [[fragment]], tatter, [[rag]], [[strip]], [[frazzle]]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 fragment, frazzle, noun, rag, strip, tatter

Definitions of ‘shrew’ shrew (noun) Synonyms: [[scold]], brawler, termagant, [[vixen]], virago, Xantippe

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 brawler, noun, scold, termagant, virago, vixen, Xantippe

Definitions of ‘shrewd’ shrewd (adjective) Synonyms: astute, [[sharp]], [[cunning]], [[crafty]], [[wily]], [[artful]], [[long-headed]]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 adjective, artful, astute, crafty, cunning, long-headed, sharp, wily

Definitions of ‘shrewdness’ shrewdness (noun) Synonyms: [[acumen]], astuteness, [[sharpness]], long-headedness

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 acumen, astuteness, long-headedness, noun, sharpness

Definitions of ‘shrewish’ shrewish (adjective) Synonyms: vixenish, termagant, [[brawling]], [[clamorous]]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 adjective, brawling, clamorous, termagant, vixenish

Definitions of ‘shriek’ shriek (noun) Synonyms: [[screech]], [[yell]], [[scream]]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 noun, scream, screech, yell

Definitions of ‘shrill’ shrill (adjective) Synonyms: [[piercing]], acute, strident

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 acute, adjective, piercing, strident

Definitions of ‘shrink’ shrink (verb) Synonyms: [[contract]], shrivel, [[decrease]], [[dwindle]], [[flinch]], [[recoil]], [[blench]], [[wince]], winch

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 blench, contract, decrease, dwindle, flinch, recoil, shrivel, verb, wince, winch

Definitions of ‘shrinking’ shrinking (adjective) Synonyms: [[coy]], shy, [[diffident]], [[bashful]], [[modest]], [[retiring]]

Dictionary April 12, 2024 April 12, 2024 adjective, bashful, coy, diffident, modest, retiring, shy

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adjective, bashful, coy, diffident, modest, retiring, shy
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