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Definitions of ‘shroud’ shroud (noun) Synonyms: winding-sheet, [[grave-clothes]], cerements shroud (verb) Synonyms: [[mask]], [[screen]], [[cloak]], conceal

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 cerements, cloak, conceal, grave-clothes, mask, noun, screen, verb, winding-sheet

Definitions of ‘shrub’ shrub (noun) Synonyms: [[bush]] shrub (plural) Synonyms: shrubbery, [[thicket]], boscage, bosket

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 boscage, bosket, bush, noun, plural, shrubbery, thicket

Definitions of ‘shuck’ shuck (noun) Synonyms: [[shell]], [[husk]], [[pod]], shale shuck (verb) Synonyms: [[shell]], enucleate

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 enucleate, husk, noun, pod, shale, shell, verb

Definitions of ‘shudder’ shudder (noun) Synonyms: tremor shudder (verb) Synonyms: [[tremble]], [[shake]], [[shiver]], [[quake]]

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 noun, quake, shake, shiver, tremble, tremor, verb

Definitions of ‘shuffle’ shuffle (verb) Synonyms: [[jumble]], intermix, equivocate, prevaricate, [[quibble]], [[shift]], shamble shuffle (noun) Synonyms: [[artifice]], [[evasion]], prevarication, [[trick]], […]

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 artifice, equivocate, evasion, intermix, jumble, noun, prevaricate, prevarication, quibble, ruse, shamble, shift, sophism, trick, verb

Definitions of ‘shun’ shun (verb) Synonyms: [[avoid]], elude, [[evade]], eschew

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 avoid, elude, eschew, evade, verb

Definitions of ‘shyness’ shyness (noun) Synonyms: [[diffidence]], coyness, [[timidity]], [[bashfulness]]

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 bashfulness, coyness, diffidence, noun, timidity

Definitions of ‘sick’ sick (adjective) Synonyms: [[ill]], unwell, ailing, [[indisposed]], [[diseased]], morbid, nauseated, queasy, squeamish, [[qualmish]], disgusted, surfeited, [[weary]], [[palled]], […]

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 adjective, ailing, diseased, disgusted, ill, incite, indisposed, morbid, nauseated, palled, qualmish, queasy, satiated, sick on, squeamish, surfeited, unwell, urge, verb, weary

Definitions of ‘sicken’ sicken (verb) Synonyms: [[nauseate]], [[disgust]], [[pall]], [[surfeit]], [[decay]], languish

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 decay, disgust, languish, nauseate, pall, surfeit, verb

Definitions of ‘sickening’ sickening (adjective) Synonyms: nauseating, [[disgusting]], [[fulsome]], [[nauseous]], [[revolting]]

Dictionary April 13, 2024 April 13, 2024 adjective, disgusting, fulsome, nauseating, nauseous, revolting

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adjective, disgusting, fulsome, nauseating, nauseous, revolting
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