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Definitions of ‘stoop’ stoop (verb) Synonyms: [[bend]], [[condescend]], [[deign]], descend stoop (noun) Synonyms: condescension, [[descent]], [[porch]], [[veranda]], [[piazza]]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 bend, condescend, condescension, deign, descend, descent, noun, piazza, porch, veranda, verb

Definitions of ‘stop’ stop (verb) Synonyms: [[obstruct]], close up, [[stanch]], [[arrest]], [[hinder]], [[impede]], [[block]], [[stay]], [[check]], [[repress]], [[restrain]], [[suppress]], [[deter]], […]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 arrest, block, break off, cease, cessation, check, close up, desist, deter, discontinuation, discontinue, forbear, halt, hinder, impede, impediment, intercept, interception, intermission, intermit, interrupt, interruption, lodge, noun, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, pause, preclude, refrain from, repress, restrain, stagnate, stanch, stand, stay, suppress, surcease, suspend, suspension, tarry, thwart, verb

Definitions of ‘stoppage’ stoppage (noun) Synonyms: [[arrest]], stopping, [[detention]], [[stop]]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 arrest, detention, noun, stop, stopping

Gorgons, The (Gor´gons), were three sisters, named Stheno, [[Euryale (mythology)]], and [[Medusa (mythology)]]. They petrified every one they looked at. […]

Mythology May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 Euryale, Gorgons, Medusa, Minerva, myth, mythological character, mythology, Perseus

Definitions of ‘stopper’ stopper (noun) Synonyms: stopple, [[cork]], [[bung]]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 bung, cork, noun, stopple

Definitions of ‘store’ store (noun) Synonyms: [[shop]], [[accumulation]], [[stock]], [[abundance]], [[plenty]], [[hoard]], [[supply]] store (verb) Synonyms: [[stock]], replenish, [[save]], [[hoard]], […]

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 abundance, accumulation, garner, hoard, husband, noun, plenty, replenish, save, shop, stock, supply, treasure up, verb

Definitions of ‘storehouse’ storehouse (noun) Synonyms: [[warehouse]], [[repository]], [[depot]], [[store]], [[magazine]], promptuary

Dictionary May 10, 2024 May 10, 2024 depot, magazine, noun, promptuary, repository, store, warehouse

Definitions of ‘storm’ storm (noun) Synonyms: [[tempest]] Antonyms: [[calm]], [[subsidence]], [[serenity]], tranquillity storm (verb) Synonyms: [[assault]], [[attack]], [[besiege]], expugn, [[rage]], […]

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 assault, attack, besiege, expugn, fume, noun, rage, rant, tempest, verb

Graces, The were the attendants of [[Venus (mythology)]]. Their names were, [[Aglaia (mythology)]], so called from her beauty and goodness; […]

Mythology May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Graces, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pasithea, Thalia, Venus

Definitions of ‘storminess’ storminess (noun) Synonyms: inclemency, tempestuousness, boisterousness, [[violence]]

Dictionary May 11, 2024 May 11, 2024 boisterousness, inclemency, noun, tempestuousness, violence

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boisterousness, inclemency, noun, tempestuousness, violence
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