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Definitions of ‘thinning’ thinning (noun) Synonyms: [[dilution]], [[reduction]], attenuation, rarefaction, subtilization Associated words: attenuant, diluent

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 attenuant, attenuation, diluent, dilution, noun, rarefaction, reduction, subtilization

Definitions of ‘thin-skinned’ thin-skinned (adjective) Synonyms: leptodermic, [[sensitive]], impressible, [[irritable]]

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, impressible, irritable, leptodermic, sensitive

Definitions of ‘third’ third (adjective) Synonyms: tertiary

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adjective, tertiary

Definitions of ‘thirst’ thirst (noun) Synonyms: [[dryness]], [[aridity]], [[drought]] Antonyms: adipsy Associated words: [[slake]], [[quench]], dipsetic, adipsous

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 adipsous, aridity, dipsetic, drought, dryness, noun, quench, slake
Thirty years

Definitions of ‘thirty years’ Associated words: tricennial, tricennially

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 tricennial, tricennially

Definitions of ‘thorn’ thorn (noun) Synonyms: [[spine]], [[prickle]], [[brier]], [[torment]], [[plague]], infliction

Dictionary May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 brier, infliction, noun, plague, prickle, spine, torment

Definitions of ‘thornless’ thornless (adjective) Synonyms: [[spineless]], inermis

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, inermis, spineless

Definitions of ‘thorny’ thorny (adjective) Synonyms: spiny, briery, [[prickly]], [[vexatious]], [[troublesome]], [[annoying]]

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, annoying, briery, prickly, spiny, troublesome, vexatious

Definitions of ‘thorough’ thorough (adjective) Synonyms: [[complete]], [[profound]] Antonyms: superficial, cursory, [[partial]], sciolistic

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 adjective, complete, profound

Definitions of ‘thought’ thought (noun) Synonyms: [[reflection]], cogitation, revery, musing, [[meditation]], [[consideration]], [[abstraction]], [[imagination]], [[brown study]], contemplation, [[deliberation]], introspection, retrospection, […]

Dictionary May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024 abstraction, brown study, cogitation, concept, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, excogitation, idea, imagination, inference, introspection, lucubration, meditation, musing, noun, preoccupation, reflection, retrospection, revery, rumination, surmise

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abstraction, brown study, cogitation, concept, consideration, contemplation, deliberation, excogitation, idea, imagination, inference, introspection, lucubration, meditation, musing, noun, preoccupation, reflection, retrospection, revery, rumination, surmise
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