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Hades (Ha´des). The Greek name of [[Pluto (mythology)]], the god of hell, the word signifying hidden, dark, and gloomy; the […]

Mythology May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 Ades, Hades, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pluto

Definitions of ‘streak’ streak (noun) Synonyms: [[stripe]], wale, whelk, [[ridge]], [[vein]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 noun, ridge, stripe, vein, wale, whelk

Definitions of ‘streaked’ streaked (adjective) Synonyms: [[striped]], streaky, whelky, striated, whelked, brindled, barred, veined

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 adjective, barred, brindled, streaky, striated, striped, veined, whelked, whelky

Definitions of ‘stream’ stream (noun) Synonyms: [[current]], [[river]], [[creek]], [[brook]], [[race]], [[run]], [[rivulet]], [[rill]], runnel, [[drift]], [[course]], [[tendency]], torrent, arroyo, […]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 arroyo, brook, course, creek, current, drift, flume, gush, noun, pour, race, radiate, rill, river, rivulet, run, runnel, shed, tendency, torrent, verb

Hailstorms see [[Nuriel (mythology)]].

Mythology May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 Hailstorms, myth, mythological character, mythology, Nuriel

Definitions of ‘streamer’ streamer (noun) Synonyms: ensign, pennon, [[banner]], banderole, [[flag]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 banderole, banner, ensign, flag, noun, pennon

Definitions of ‘street’ street (noun) Synonyms: highway, avenue, thoroughfare, [[boulevard]]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 avenue, boulevard, highway, noun, thoroughfare
Street cleaner

Definitions of ‘street cleaner’ Synonyms: scavenger

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 scavenger

Halcyone (Halcy´one) (or Alcyone), one of the [[Pleiades (mythology)]], was a daughter of [[Aeolus (mythology)]].

Mythology May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 Aeolus, Halcyone, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pleiades

Definitions of ‘strength’ strength (noun) Synonyms: [[force]], [[vigor]], [[power]], [[might]], [[hardihood]], potency, puissance, [[stamina]], [[tenacity]], toughness, durability, impregnability, invincibility, [[security]], […]

Dictionary May 12, 2024 May 12, 2024 brawniness, cogency, conclusiveness, durability, efficacy, force, fortitude, hardihood, impetuosity, impregnability, intensity, invincibility, lustiness, might, muscularity, noun, potency, power, puissance, robustness, security, stamina, stay, stoutness, sturdiness, support, tenacity, thew, toughness, validity, vehemence, vigor, violence, virility, vividness

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brawniness, cogency, conclusiveness, durability, efficacy, force, fortitude, hardihood, impetuosity, impregnability, intensity, invincibility, lustiness, might, muscularity, noun, potency, power, puissance, robustness, security, stamina, stay, stoutness, sturdiness, support, tenacity, thew, toughness, validity, vehemence, vigor, violence, virility, vividness
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