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Definitions of ‘sluggish’ sluggish (adjective) Synonyms: [[idle]], [[lazy]], [[slothful]], [[inactive]], [[slow]], inert

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, idle, inactive, inert, lazy, slothful, slow

Definitions of ‘slur’ slur (verb) Synonyms: [[soil]], sully, [[disparage]], traduce, asperse, [[blur]], mackle slur (noun) Synonyms: [[stain]], [[mark]], innuendo, [[reproach]], […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 asperse, blur, brand, disparage, innuendo, mackle, mark, noun, reproach, soil, stain, sully, traduce, verb

Definitions of ‘slush’ slush (noun) Synonyms: [[slosh]], sludge

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 noun, slosh, sludge

Definitions of ‘sly’ sly (adjective) Synonyms: [[cautious]], [[nimble]], [[skillful]], [[arch]], [[wary]], knowing, [[shrewd]], [[cunning]], [[wily]], [[artful]], [[subtle]], [[stealthy]], [[clandestine]], [[covert]], […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, arch, artful, cautious, clandestine, covert, cunning, furtive, knowing, nimble, shrewd, skillful, stealthy, subtle, surreptitious, wary, wily

Definitions of ‘smack’ smack (noun) Synonyms: [[taste]], [[kiss]], buss, [[crack]], snap

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 buss, crack, kiss, noun, snap, taste

Definitions of ‘smacking’ smacking (adjective) Synonyms: [[brisk]], [[smart]], [[resounding]]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, brisk, resounding, smart

Definitions of ‘small’ small (adjective) Synonyms: [[little]], [[minute]], diminutive, [[petty]], [[slight]], inconsiderable, [[puny]], tiny, weazened, [[undeveloped]], [[dwarfish]], runty, wee, [[stunted]], […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 adjective, atomic, atrophied, contracted, corpuscular, diminutive, dwarfish, feeble, fine, frivolous, homeopathic, illiberal, inappreciable, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, limited, little, mean, microscopic, miniature, minute, molecular, narrow-minded, petty, piping, puny, runty, short, slight, sordid, stunted, tiny, trifling, trivial, undersized, undeveloped, ungenerous, weak, weazened, wee

Definitions of ‘smart’ smart (verb) Synonyms: [[sting]], [[prick]], suffer smart (adjective) Synonyms: acute, [[bright]], [[clever]], [[apt]], [[brilliant]], [[gifted]], [[talented]], precocious, […]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 acute, adjective, agile, apt, bright, brilliant, brisk, clever, elegant, energetic, fashionable, forcible, fresh, gifted, intense, keen, lively, nimble, poignant, precocious, pretentious, prick, pungent, smacking, sting, suffer, talented, trim, verb, vigorous

Definitions of ‘smash’ smash (verb) Synonyms: [[shiver]], [[crush]] smash (noun) Synonyms: [[destruction]], [[ruin]], [[wreck]], [[bankruptcy]]

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 bankruptcy, crush, destruction, noun, ruin, shiver, verb, wreck

Definitions of ‘smatterer’ smatterer (noun) Synonyms: sciolist, superficialist

Dictionary April 21, 2024 April 21, 2024 noun, sciolist, superficialist

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