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Definitions of ‘quiet’ quiet (adjective) Synonyms: [[calm]], [[still]], pacific, [[motionless]], [[unmoved]], [[stagnant]], placid, [[serene]], undisturbed, unruffled, halcyon, unmolested, hushed, [[silent]], […]

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 adjective, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, becalm, calm, compose, demure, gentle, halcyon, hush, hushed, inaudible, inoffensive, lull, meek, moderate, modest, mollify, motionless, noiseless, pacific, pacify, placid, relieve, reserved, retired, retiring, secluded, sedate, sequestered, serene, silent, stagnant, staid, still, tranquilize, unassuming, undemonstrative, undisturbed, unfrequented, unmolested, unmoved, unobtrusive, unruffled, verb

Definitions of ‘quietness’ quietness (noun) Synonyms: stillness, quiescence, [[quiet]], [[repose]], [[calmness]], tranquillity, [[serenity]], unobtrusiveness, [[silence]], inaudibility

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 calmness, inaudibility, noun, quiescence, quiet, repose, serenity, silence, stillness, tranquillity, unobtrusiveness

Belisama (Belisa´ma), a goddess of the Gauls. The name means the [[Queen of Heaven (mythology)]].

Mythology February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 Belisama, myth, mythological character, mythology, Queen of Heaven
Quill feathers

Definitions of ‘quill feathers’ Synonyms: remiges

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 remiges

Definitions of ‘quilt’ quilt (noun) Synonyms: coverlet, bedquilt, counterpane

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 bedquilt, counterpane, coverlet, noun

Bellerophon (Beller´ophon), a hero who destroyed a monster called the [[Chimaera (mythology)]].

Mythology February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 Bellerophon, Chimaera, myth, mythological character, mythology

Definitions of ‘quip’ quip (noun) Synonyms: [[gibe]], [[taunt]], [[quirk]] quip (verb) Synonyms: [[gibe]], [[taunt]]

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 gibe, noun, quirk, taunt, verb

Definitions of ‘quirk’ quirk (noun) Synonyms: [[evasion]], [[subterfuge]], [[shift]], [[quibble]], prevarication, equivocation, retort, [[quip]], [[gibe]]

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 equivocation, evasion, gibe, noun, prevarication, quibble, quip, retort, shift, subterfuge

Definitions of ‘quirky’ quirky (adverb) Synonyms: [[tricky]], disingenuous, [[deceitful]]

Dictionary February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 adverb, deceitful, disingenuous, tricky

Bellona (Bello´na), the goddess of war, and wife of [[Mars (mythology)]]. The 24th March was called Bellona’s Day, when her […]

Mythology February 22, 2024 February 22, 2024 Bellona, Dirae, discord, Mars, myth, mythological character, mythology

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Bellona, Dirae, discord, Mars, myth, mythological character, mythology
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