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Party man

Definitions of ‘party man’ Synonyms: partisan

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 partisan

Definitions of ‘party-colored’ party-colored (adjective) Synonyms: variegated

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 adjective, variegated

Pasiphae (Pasiph´ae) was the reputed mother of the [[Minotaur (mythology)]] killed by [[Theseus (mythology)]]. She was said to be the […]

Mythology June 27, 2024 June 27, 2024 Minos, Minotaur, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pasiphae, Sol, Theseus

Pasithea (Pasith´ea). Sometimes there are four [[Graces (mythology)]] spoken of; when this is so, the name of the fourth is […]

Mythology June 28, 2024 June 28, 2024 Aglaia, Graces, myth, mythological character, mythology, Pasithea

Definitions of ‘pass’ pass (verb) Synonyms: elapse, lapse, transmit, deliver, hand, go, move, proceed, advance, disappear, vanish, recede, depart, pass […]

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 advance, allonge, condition, conjuncture, defile, deliver, depart, disappear, elapse, go, hand, lapse, lunge, move, noun, omit, overpass, overstep, pass by, passado, passage, passageway, passport, plight, predicament, pretermit, proceed, recede, safe-conduct, situation, state, thrust, transmit, transude, vanish, verb
Pass over

Definitions of ‘pass over’ Synonyms: traverse

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 traverse

Definitions of ‘passable’ passable (adjective) Synonyms: navigable, traversable, penetrable, tolerable, mediocre, middling, so-so, ordinary, fair Antonyms: impassable, impervious, impenetrable

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 adjective, fair, mediocre, middling, navigable, ordinary, penetrable, so-so, tolerable, traversable

Definitions of ‘passage’ passage (noun) Synonyms: transit, fare, clause, sentence, paragraph, enactment, corridor, hall, gangway, slype, pass, defile

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 clause, corridor, defile, enactment, fare, gangway, hall, noun, paragraph, pass, sentence, slype, transit

Definitions of ‘passing’ passing (adjective) Synonyms: exceeding, surpassing, transient, momentary, transitory, fleeting, impermanent passing (adverb) Synonyms: exceedingly, surpassingly

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 adjective, adverb, exceeding, exceedingly, fleeting, impermanent, momentary, surpassing, surpassingly, transient, transitory

Definitions of ‘passion’ passion (noun) Synonyms: suffering, pain, agony, emotion, ardor, feeling, pathos, wrath, fury, anger, love, infatuation, transport

Dictionary January 24, 2024 January 24, 2024 agony, anger, ardor, emotion, feeling, fury, infatuation, love, noun, pain, pathos, suffering, transport, wrath

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agony, anger, ardor, emotion, feeling, fury, infatuation, love, noun, pain, pathos, suffering, transport, wrath
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